Fluorescent Green Agate from Scott's Gulf, Smryna, Tennessee

a waterfall in middle tennessee


A major component of rock collecting (for us) is simply getting out in nature. A buddy dragged us out to a very remote area here in middle Tennessee to hunt for fluorescent green agate. Since we consider ourselves pure "Glow Hounds" we weren't anticipating any glow rocks, just the beauty of the area, but we brought our UV lights anyway. 

We first visited Lost Creek Falls (a setting for a couple of the scenes in the "Jungle Book" movie) then proceeded another 10 miles down a hundred year old wagon trail (banjos in the distance) and along a creek bed.

Agates everywhere - and glad we brought our UV light. Many had a very strong green fluorescence - a real plus for us in middle TN. Most every fluorescent mineral in our area glows either white or yellow, so a green UV glow was a pleasing find.



fluorescent green agatefluorescent green agate

We found lots of individual pieces in and around the creek but they were on the small side. After about 4 hours of collecting we decided to head back to the jeep when our buddy whacked a largish rock to reveal wonderful agate inside - the find of the day..... Until we hopped in the jeep and started the torturous drive out. "Stop" one of us shouted. At the side of the creek bed road was a huge boulder of what looked like agate. We hopped out, whacked it once, and voila, solid chunk of agate. We attempted to trim it down to size with our puny crack hammers (who expected to need a sledge when hunting for Tennessee agate?).

Finally our two old men summoned up the courage to lift it into the back of the jeep without smashing a toe or pulling out a back. A good 200 lbs of solid agate, all glowing a nice green... Glow rocks can be found anywhere. You just gotta hunt (and break a lot of rock).


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