"Red" Sodalite (Hackmanite) - Deeply Tenebrescent Greenland Mineral
Red sodalite is named for the color it takes on when exposed to sunlight; it is nicely tenebrescent under longwave UV. Under shortwave UV the color deepens, in seconds, to almost black in some areas. This is probably the most dramatic example of tenebrescence in sodalite from anywhere. This process is easily reversed in seconds using a bright white light, and can be repeated over and over. (See the animation below).

Longwave fluorescence is a bright orange/yellow and the shortwave fluorescence shifts to a beautiful rusty orange (caused by the intense tenebrescence). The greenish fluorescence is typical of pieces found in this area within the Ilimaussaq Complex, and has not been identified.

Animation showing the tenebrescence after exposure to longwave UV and shortwave UV