For over 20 years, MinerShop has sold high quality mineral specimens. We specialize in rare Greenland minerals and fluorescent minerals.

We also offer a wide variety of minerals and crystals from all over the world.

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MinerShop has been supplying collectors with high quality fluorescent rocks and mineral specimens for over 20 years. We currently offer a variety of rare minerals for sale, specializing in Greenland minerals from the Ilimaussaq Complex. These include various types of deeply tenebrescent sodalite (variety hackmanite), many varieties of tugtupite, ussingite, polylithionite, sorensenite, chkalovite and other rare minerals. We also have a wide offering of minerals for sale from around the world including minerals such as fluorite, calcite, feldspar, apatite, aragonite, crystals, gems and more. Check out our rock shop today! We collect our own specimens from the Ilimaussaq Complex, a "Geologist's Mecca" in Southern Greenland.​

If you are looking for information on UV lights, rare fluorescent mineral collecting, mineral displays, you can read more about getting started in the fluorescent mineral hobby

waterfall in middle tn

Fluorescent Green Agate from Scott's Gulf, Smryna, Tennessee

A major component of rock collecting (for us) is simply getting out in nature. A buddy dragged us out to a very remote area here in middle Tennessee to hunt for fluorescent green agate. Since we consider ourselves pure "Glow Hounds" we weren't anticipating any glow rocks, just the beauty of the area, but we brought our UV lights anyway.

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green fluorescing quartz on calcite

Quartz Crystals on Calcite - San Antonio Mine, Chihuahua, Mexico

Small delicate crystals of bright green fluorescing quartz are peppered around a matrix of calcite on this striking specimen.
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sodalite from greenland displaying tenebrescence

"Red" Sodalite (Hackmanite) - Deeply Tenebrescent Greenland Mineral

Red sodalite is named for the color it takes on when exposed to sunlight; it is nicely tenebrescent under longwave UV. Under shortwave UV the color deepens, in seconds, to almost black in some areas. 
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We post minerals on Ebay at auction every other Thursday starting at 9pm EST.  They run for ten days until Sunday night 9pm EST.  The cycle repeats on the next Thursday resulting in specimens listed for sale every two weeks.

Our minerals are listed on Ebay - Seller ID: MinerShop

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