"Fantasy Rock" Tugtupite, Sodalite, Chkalovite, Analcime - Greenland
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A mini fantasy rock with excellent chkalovite eyes.
The main minerals on this specimen are tugtupite (cherry red SW), along with chkalovite (the rarer pearly white variety – a classic example of how tugtupite replaces chkalovite), blue analcime, sodalite (orange) and black arfvedsonite throughout the matrix. Under LW both the tugtupite and the sodalite fluoresce a bright orange (more salmon for the tugtupite).
The nickname Fantasy Rock encompasses a group of rocks found on the Taseq Slope in the Ilimaussaq Complex, Greenland and only in this one locality within the complex.
A typical Fantasy Rock usually consists of four basic minerals: tugtupite, sodalite, chkalovite, analcime, and they are always the most color-rich pieces from this exotic, remote locale.