Chondrodite, Diopside - Canada
$0.00 USD
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SKU: MSW1536
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We’ve visited the Long Lake Mine several times. Carefully selected, these pieces can be striking - offering lots of colors, with great coverage. We’ve turned a few of our pieces into very beautiful spheres.
The Long Lake zinc mine is located just across the US/Canada border in Ontario. It is filled with wonderful specimens if you’re willing to do a little sledgehammer work and spend some time digging - and make careful selections. We have heard several reports that the new owners are not allowing collecting any more.
Chondrodite = yellow
Diopside = blue
Small delicate crystals of bright green fluorescing quartz are peppered around a matrix of calcite on this striking specimen.
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"Red" Sodalite (Hackmanite) - Deeply Tenebrescent Greenland Mineral
Red sodalite is named for the color it takes on when exposed to sunlight; it is nicely tenebrescent under longwave UV. Under shortwave UV the color deepens, in seconds, to almost black in some areas.
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A Short Study on Rare Occurrences of Apatite from the Ilimaussaq Complex, Greenland
Rarest of the rare from Greenland - apatite has only been observed in a handful of pieces over the decade+ we have been exploring Greenland. Blue apatite crystals fluorescing under UV.
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