Willemite, Calcite, Unknowns - Australia
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A great, small Puttapa specimen. Plenty of mixed hues and patterning.
Puttapa has been picked over with a fine-tooth comb. There have been several trips to the mine to extract every little scrap left, first-run pieces have sold (except for these) and much of the minor leftover material has been wholesaled out to numerous sellers. We were one of the three original sellers of this material and still have much of our original stock (we are the only ones actually revenue sharing with Graham Fraser, a good friend).
The only minerals we are pretty confident of are the willemite and calcite - there may be much more. The white mineral has been assayed to be willemite with a very high zinc content.
Special note: The phosphorescent pic was taken with zero lights - glows like a banshee. Some of the color (blue) is quick to fade and the camera can capture it so much better than our eyes. (Our rule of thumb on these pieces is that anything that phosphoresces is willemite, aragonite being the possible exception).